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Graduate student of Saint-Petersburg State Electrotechnical University.

If I'm not doing something with #Emacs, I'm probably doing something in #Emacs.

Live every day as if it were April 1st.
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Google Books Ngram Viewer is a lot of fun, but… Who the heck was using #Vim in 1800? And what’s that uptick in #Emacs around 1880?

At least no one cared about #VSCode in the 19th century.

Edit: now I know more about old English.

A chart with years from 1800 to 2019 on the X-axis and values from 0% to 0.00220% on the Y-axis.

There are three series:

- Vim is spread more or less evenly across the chart
- Emacs has seen a small uptake in 1880 and a much larger one from 1980-2019 with a peak at 2000, twice as large as Vim's
- VS Code started appearing in 2014 and still hasn't reached Emacs.
A chart with years from 1800 to 2019 on the X-axis and values from 0% to 0.00220% on the Y-axis. There are three series: - Vim is spread more or less evenly across the chart - Emacs has seen a small uptake in 1880 and a much larger one from 1980-2019 with a peak at 2000, twice as large as Vim's - VS Code started appearing in 2014 and still hasn't reached Emacs.
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