sqrtminusone's Blog

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Graduate student of Saint-Petersburg State Electrotechnical University.

If I'm not doing something with #Emacs, I'm probably doing something in #Emacs.

Live every day as if it were April 1st.
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Updated my #Emacs #OpenMeteo client.

For the most part, it’s keeping up with the API which has gained several new features, including:

Happy to see the project developing.

And I’ve added an option to access historical weather data for a particular day across multiple years (Fig. 2).

Open Meteo: https://open-meteo.com/
My client: https://github.com/SqrtMinusOne/biome

A table with weather data.

The first column is time, the second column is air temperature at that time, the third column is air temperature as predicted yesterday fot that time, and so forth up to 7 days.
A table with weather data. The first column is time, the second column is air temperature at that time, the third column is air temperature as predicted yesterday fot that time, and so forth up to 7 days.
A table with historical weather data for 24th of April for years from 1984 to 2024.
A table with historical weather data for 24th of April for years from 1984 to 2024.
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