sqrtminusone's Blog

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Graduate student of Saint-Petersburg State Electrotechnical University.

If I'm not doing something with #Emacs, I'm probably doing something in #Emacs.

Live every day as if it were April 1st.
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Added session-local history to my reverso.el package.



Timestamp            Operation            Parameters
2023-11-26 01:46:31  Grammar check        english: heloo -> Hello
2023-11-26 01:46:26  Synonyms             english: hello (44 results)
2023-11-26 01:46:22  Context              english -> german: hello (20 results)
2023-11-26 01:46:17  Translate            english -> german: hello -> hallo
Timestamp Operation Parameters 2023-11-26 01:46:31 Grammar check english: heloo -> Hello 2023-11-26 01:46:26 Synonyms english: hello (44 results) 2023-11-26 01:46:22 Context english -> german: hello (20 results) 2023-11-26 01:46:17 Translate english -> german: hello -> hallo
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