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Graduate student of Saint-Petersburg State Electrotechnical University.

If I'm not doing something with #Emacs, I'm probably doing something in #Emacs.

Live every day as if it were April 1st.
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Ah yes, using internet memes to disseminate evidence-based health practices. What can possibly go wrong.

From Wikipedia: Healthcare

Social media platforms can increase the speed of dissemination of evidence-based health practices.[64] A study by Reynolds and Boyd found the majority of participants (who were healthcare staff) felt that memes could be an appropriate means of improving healthcare worker's knowledge of and compliance with infection prevention practices.[65] Internet memes were also used in Nigeria to raise awareness of the COVID-19 pandemic, with healthcare professionals using the medium to disseminate information on the virus and its vaccine.[66]
From Wikipedia: Healthcare Social media platforms can increase the speed of dissemination of evidence-based health practices.[64] A study by Reynolds and Boyd found the majority of participants (who were healthcare staff) felt that memes could be an appropriate means of improving healthcare worker's knowledge of and compliance with infection prevention practices.[65] Internet memes were also used in Nigeria to raise awareness of the COVID-19 pandemic, with healthcare professionals using the medium to disseminate information on the virus and its vaccine.[66]
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