sqrtminusone's Blog

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Graduate student of Saint-Petersburg State Electrotechnical University.

If I'm not doing something with #Emacs, I'm probably doing something in #Emacs.

Live every day as if it were April 1st.
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Extended my perspective-exwm to be able to cycle all buffers in the current perspective. Previously, this was restricted to #exwm buffers.

Also added truncation in case the cycling message becomes too long.


Emacs message area with the following message:

[foo]  brr baz  [bar]  *scratch* (test)
Emacs message area with the following message: [foo] brr baz [bar] *scratch* (test)
Emacs message area with the following message:

 (3)  workflows  README.org<perspective-exwm.el>  *Flycheck errors* [README.org<elfeed-summary>]  magit-diff: perspective-exwm.el  melpazoid.yml<perspective-exwm.el>  (3)
Emacs message area with the following message: (3) workflows README.org<perspective-exwm.el> *Flycheck errors* [README.org<elfeed-summary>] magit-diff: perspective-exwm.el melpazoid.yml<perspective-exwm.el> (3)
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