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Graduate student of Saint-Petersburg State Electrotechnical University.

If I'm not doing something with #Emacs, I'm probably doing something in #Emacs.

Live every day as if it were April 1st.
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Implemented displaying the backlink count for #orgroam links using overlays.

My primary use case is essentially this screenshot - to see the number of backlinks for these person-notes, because I often write notes like “According to , ”.

The code, if anyone is curious: https://sqrtminusone.xyz/configs/emacs/#backlinks-count-display . Maybe I’ll contribute that to org-roam.

In principle, more complex logic can be implemented like that, for instance coloring different links by their belonging to a certain tag or a node… Will see if I come up with something useful.


Org Roam node with backlink counts as overlays

#+title: #Personalities
- This Person [3]
- That Person [33]
- Another Person [32]
- Yet Another Person [5]
Org Roam node with backlink counts as overlays #+title: #Personalities Philosophers: - This Person [3] - That Person [33] - Another Person [32] - Yet Another Person [5]
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